Monday, May 24, 2010

Blog #5

1.) My most significant accomplishment in my midterm is my ability to make all my objects look more realistic after they were cut and pasted into the new background. I made sure I learned how to properly use, the magnetic lasso, blur tool, smudge tool and attempted to perfect with the feathering tool. I was extremely proud of my Diptch pieces and how they turned out. I was also proud of my Big Idea in these pieces because I felt that I displayed a true sense of emotion through color. Even though one image had sad events, such as the cupcake falling and the invitation in the puddle, it still was the "Happier" image because of the brighter colors. I truly enjoyed creating my midterm and combining all of my new learned techniques.

2.) Creating masks was a very hard task for me to learn, but I finished the quarter feeling way more successful than I ever imagined I could have, especially when I created my work for Quiz number four. I was extremely happy with the mask that I created for this quiz. I felt that my Hue/Saturation mask perfectly created the "masculine" feel I was trying to achieve. I took a very "girly" Marie Antoinette movie poster and created a much more "manly" look using different colors and pictures that I coordinated together using one mask. Learning how to create this mask was difficult, but well worth the effort.

3.) For quiz number two I attempted to create a "Hollywood movie poster" look using simple Photoshop techniques and at the time, I felt that I did a pretty good considering that I had never used Photoshop prior to this class. Even though It may not have been a very good piece of work compared to others, it certainly was better than my first quiz where I created a flat wedding magazine cover that had even less meaning than my quiz number two. It had no masks, no color changes and no adjustments, it was simply cut and pasted text and pictures, as opposed to the beach that had been adjusted to create a new, almost glamourous California beach scene. Both quizzes taught me valuable techniques, but the second definitely had more meaning.

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