Monday, May 24, 2010

Blog #4

My Big Idea is how emotions are affected by color, particularly in what colors we wear. I wanted to explore whether emotions determine what we wear or if what we wear, determines our emotions. I am attempting to create more in-depth feeling and emotion into day to day fashion. I wanted to start off at a young age, where people can't necessarily choose what they are wearing, instead their parents are dressing them. Next, I wanted to move into an older age, where fashion is a dominant part of life and truly determine what causes us to wear what we wear and how those choices affect our feelings. Some visual strategies that I employ are color, age, background, masks and light. The image communicates my meaning by its consistent use of color in relation to the accompanying emotions, happy feelings with bright colors. These images can be used as fashion advertisements for a number of companies or even used to help aid in color therapy sessions.

Three artists that have had an impact on my work are, Andy Warhol, Kate Spade and Henri Matisse. These artists influenced me because color is a huge part of their work, as well as fashion. These artists have all dared to be different in their own pop culture way, which is also very inspiring to me.

One new Photoshop technique that I plan on using is more in depth masks. I want to really explore how I can change light, shadows and colors.

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